Re: Faith Based Band

From: "Scott" <scott@CREEDLISTERS.COM>
Date: Mon
15 Apr 2002 14:41:17 -0400

Oh okay.  So it's okay when YOU do it, but it's not okay when SHE does it.
Is that how it works with you?  Sounds rather hypocritical to me.  Perhaps if you simply said "I'm sure he didn't understand that, Lee" instead of lashing out and attacking, you could have saved face.  But your reply was worse than hers as you outright attacked.
End of story.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chastity
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Faith Based Band

Scott, I think the whole purpose of my e-mail was to get across the point that there is no need to talk to people like Lee spoke to whoever gave out their number.  End of story

  Scott <> wrote:

Chastity, you seriously need to relax. Lee has been around this list long
enough that she's seen info like that used for some rather disturbing things
and was simply scaring Dennis into a state of reality of what can happen if
certain info is given out on a list of 419 people that he knows nothing
about. There's no need for you to attack her for it. Do you think that
maybe, for the sake of the list, you could start posting in a manner that
doesn't attack other people? Seeing your negativity around here is going to
start running off list members who are only joining to discuss the band.

----- Original Message -----
From: Chastity
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: Faith Based Band

Is your life so sad that you have to talk to people in that manner? Can a
person ask a question on this list w/o being talked to like their stupid,
just because they don't know info you deem as something everyone should

Lee Reed wrote:

i sure hope some pedophile doesn't start calling your children because you
posted their ages and then posted your phone number to a PUBLIC LIST as
well...oh, and the band doesn't post might want to go to to get the address where to write to them...while you are there,
you can also read the FAQ's, you might just find some of your questions
answered there...

>From: Dennis and April Brown
>Reply-To: Dennis and April Brown
>Subject: Faith Based Band
>Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 23:07:52 -0500
>I am the father of a 13 yr.old girl a 11 yr.old boy they both are very
>loyal fans, I too enjoy your music. My quistion is are your songs based on
>song of faith? We have all your CDs, big fans and loyal church goers.
>tell me your messages are positive

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